martedì 30 ottobre 2012

Aitor throup: Fuori dai Diktats delle Stagioni

Aitor Throup, studia al Royal College of Art, rinomato anche come regista della band  "kasebian", ha collaborato anche con CP company, Stone Island e Umbro.
La installazione da lui progettata e create, esposte al DOVER STREET MARKET, consistono in una serie di sculture esclusive create a doc disponibili alla vendita.
questo attesissimo evento rimarrà aperto al pubblico,a Londra, dal 12 di Ottobre sino al 28 Ottobre, nello store DSM, in concomitanza con la famosa fiera d'arte Frieze a Londra.
Aitor Throup è un designer che ha creato un business di moda incentrato sulla creazione, in quanto non segue i diktats delle stagioni, ma un nuovo oggetto di ricerca  il suo progetto Led su base concettuale .
Al Dover Street Market è esposta la sua intera opera, che include non sono le sue sculture ma anche la sua collezione, lui stesso come designer ha raggiunto un nuovo livello ed ora anche i suoi Fan possono acquistare ed indossare lo stile Throup.
Throup stesso dice: <>.


Aitor Throup, who studied at the Royal College of Art, is also renowned for his work as a style director for the band Kasabian as well as collaboration projects with CP CompanyStone Island andUmbro.
The installation inhabits multiple sections of the store and consists of a selection of exclusively made sculptures, which are also available for sale based on consultation. 

This highly anticipated event opened to the public on Friday 12th October during DSM's "open house" event to coincide with Frieze Art Fair. The installation will remain in situ until Sunday 28th October.
Aitor Throup is a designer who created a unique business framework to make fashion work for him – and within that, there is his own distinct ecology. Throup has no interest in working to the diktats of the seasonal, instead conducting a practice he’s dubbed New Object Research which works on a project-led, conceptual basis.

Realising the artistic potential that comes with getting dressed, this is a designer that has both storified a group of football hooligans transforming into Hindu Gods and responded to the wrongful killing in 2005 of Jean Charles de Menezes with his work. For the first time, his reflections (and reactions) to society are available commercially, exclusively at Dover Street Market.
"The collaboration is really special for me, it’s been a long time coming," Throup says. "I’ve held back commercially, selling things through retail, and the whole point was to make a statement that I’m not anti-commerce. That’s why I wanted to launch a completely new product, not in my own environment of an art gallery or my own presentation where I can control everything."
It’s an important moment for the designer. After years of refining his practice, the crowning glory – and sublime conclusion – is that fans can now go out and buy Throup's designs. That’s when their meaning is taken to a whole new level. For all the potency of statement, clothing is never better than when it's lived in.


martedì 9 ottobre 2012

Siripirun (Tan) Saritasurarak, la designer che gli Altri Designer DOVREBBERO Conoscere

Siripirun (Tan) Saritasurarak, nome impronunciabile per una designer da lasciare a bocca aperta per le sue 

esilaranti lavorazioni sui tessuti e l'arricchimento di quest'ultimi con decori molto semplici ma sapientemente 

usati, per dare un effetto veramente interessante.

venerdì 5 ottobre 2012